Supreme Court of New South Wales

Addressing judicial officers


Street Addre​ss

Supreme Court of New South Wales
Queens S​​quare
Sydney NS​W 2000


When on the Bench all Judges of the Supreme Court are addressed as 'Your Honour'.

In Conversation

'Judge' unless otherwise indicated.

In Writing

  • *The Honourable Justice (surname)
  • The Honourable Justice (surname) ​

    for the preferred form of address for individual Judges.
  • 'Honourable' may be abbreviated to 'Hon.'

Letter begins

Dear Judge, unless otherwise indicated.


(Surname) J

Chief Justice, Supreme Court of New South Wales


The Honourable A.S. Bell,
Chief Justic​​e of New South Wales
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Letter Begins

Dear Chief Justice

In Conversation

Chief Justice


Bell CJ

Court of Appeal

Street Address

Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Queens Sq​uare
Sydney NSW 2000


The Honourable Justice Julie Ward
President Court of Appeal
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Letters begin

Dear Judge (unless otherwise indicated)

In Conversation



Ward P


e.g. Meagher JA

Equity Division, Chief Judge

Chief Judge in Equity

The Honourable Justice David Hammerschlag, Chief Judge in Equity
Supreme Court of New South Wales
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Letters begin

Dear Chief Judge

In Conversation

Chief Judge (unless otherwise indicated)


Hammerschlag CJ in Eq

Common Law Division, Chief Judge

Chief Judge at Common Law

The Honourable Justice Ian Harrison, Chief Judge at Common Law
Sup​reme Court of New South Wales
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Letters begin

Dear Chief Judge

In Conversation

Chief Judge (unless otherwise indicated)


Harrison CJ at CL

Associate Judges*

In Writing

The Honourable Associate Justice (Surname)
Suprem​e Court of New South Wales
Queens Square
Sydney NSW 2000

Letters begin

Dear Judge

In Conversation



(Surname) AsJ

*this office was formerly known as Master of the Supreme Court until the introduction of new legislation on 15 June 2005.

Retired Judges

In Writing

The H​​onourable Sir (given name) ... [if Knighted]
The Honourable Mr ...

In Conversation

​Judge or Sir/Madam

Last updated:

15 Apr 2024

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